Travelling to Casa Bella

The closest airport to Casa Bella is Alicante which is situated 58 miles away (approx. 1hr drive).


To get you relaxed as soon as possible we recommend the following ways to travel from the airport:


  1. Car hire - we always use ‘Do You Spain?’ to get the most competitive rate for car hire. We’ve always found them reliable and very easy to use and enjoy having a car so we can go and explore the local towns.
  2. If driving abroad isn’t for you then there is a very reasonable bus service that can take you from the airport and close to the main town of Moraira. ‘BeniConnect’ offers one way travel for approx. £25.
  3. A third option is to get a taxi or private transfer. ‘BeniConnect’ and ‘Sun Tranfers’ can both provide private transfers to Moraira (as a guide BeniConnect quoted £108 for a one way transfer for four passengers in May 2024).


If you have any questions or queries relating to transport or transfers please do let us know.